
About M.Sc. and Professional Masters in Informatics


The Master’s in CIT-Informatics Program is a high-quality M.Sc. program aimed at imparting advanced knowledge across a broad range of informatics science topics and offers training in higher skills around a variety of specializations. 



The Master’s in CIT-Informatics Program is a high-quality M.Sc. program aimed at imparting advanced knowledge across a broad range of informatics science topics and offers training in higher skills around a variety of specializations.
It enables the opportunity to go deeper into the fundamental principles of computing while focusing on the applications.
The program offers a wide choice of courses in an innovative approach for teaching M.Sc. based on the research strength of Nile University’s Center for Informatics Science (CIS).
This facilitates the provision of combination of breadth, depth and flexibility that is difficult to find elsewhere since students undertake a collection of specialized course units and research thesis enabling them to graduate from our highly respected program with a specialism that reflects their interests and career aspirations.
The program faculty consists of highly experienced professors and researchers from NU and international partner universities and institutions.

The set of skills that  M.Sc Informatics students will acquire are the following:

Graduates of the CIT-Informatics Program will have a strong understanding of the key underlying informatics principles related to each specialization, possess the applied knowledge required for excellent job prospects in high-growth CIT sectors, and acquire a solid background to pursue a successful R and D career in academia or industry. Most previous graduates from the program joined multinational companies or top universities to study for Ph.D.

To learn about the admission requirements   Click Here