
Physics I

Measurements: Standards of length, mass, and time, dimensional analysis, the International system of units SI, conversion of units. Mechanics: Newton’s laws and applications, potential and kinetic energy, satellite motion and Kepler’s laws. Electrostatics: electric charge and Coulomb’s law: insulators and conductors, electrostatic field, Gauss’ law, potential, potential energy, dielectrics and capacitances, displacement vector, energy stored in the electrostatic field. Electrodynamics: electromotive force, voltage, electric current, resistance, Ohm’s law, electric power, direct current circuits, Kirchhoff’s laws, multi loop circuits. Magnetism: magnets, magnetic field, force on a current-carrying conductor, Ampere’s law and applications, induction, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, inductors, energy stored in a magnetic field, mutual induction, magnetism of matter. Relevant lab experiments will be conducted.

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