

Clinical Informatics

Overview of clinical informatics. Medical departments and terminologies. Classification of diseases and biomedical ontologies. Structure and organization of medical data and information, including physiochemical measurement, imaging, genetics, bioanalysis. Standards and regulations in Undergraduate Program of Biomedical Informatics (BMI) for data representation, safety, and privacy. Clinical

BMD 302

Applied Bioinformatics

This is an intensive course aiming to provide students with hands-on practice and experience working on bioinformatics projects. In the beginning of the course, a published paper will be handed to the students, where their task will be to repeat the analysis performed in the paper and reproduce the results. Since this is an applied course, students will perform bioinformatics data analysis to


Bioinformatics Seminar

In this seminar course, students will choose a topic from a given list of topics, where their task is to give a presentation and write a report about a selected topic. Topics will be either method-related topics or project-related topics. In method-related topics, students will be asked to describe a bio-informatic tool, algorithm or a pipeline, whereas project-related topics describe projects


Biosensors and ubiquitous computing

Types of sensors. Smart sensors. Network-enabled sensors. Network architecture for ubiquitous computing. Use of the mobile technology. Ubiquitous computing software systems. Design and implementation of large scale ubiquitous computing systems. Applications in medical domain.


Biomedical text processing

Basics of text processing: text parsing, text retrieval, tagging, natural language processing, and information extraction. Medical texts and public databases. Medical Languages systems. Mining biomedical literature: gene name extraction, disease name identification, relation identification.


Bio-inspired Computing

Biological systems and its own intelligence and adaption to changes. Evolution and genetic algorithms. Learning techniques and neuro-computing. Swarm intelligence. DNA computing, and Immuno-computing. Bio-inspired hardware and computers. Applications in robotics, problem solving, and optimization problems.


Structural Bioinformatics

Structure of macromolecules. Structure of RNA. Algorithms for predicting the structure. Structure of Protein. Algorithms for predicting protein structure. Structure alignment and homology. Protein docking. Molecular dynamics. Databases of molecular structures. Visualization of biological structures in 2D and 3D.


Clinical Bioinformatics

Molecular basis of disease. Personalized medicine. DNA sequencing technologies. Identification of variants and relatedness to disease. Variant analysis workflows and software tools. Annotation of variants and association to knowledge databases.


Biomedical Statistics

Review probability theory and statistical methods. Research methodology in biomedical sciences. Cohorts and groups establishment and power analysis. Hypothesis testing and its applications to group comparisons. Application of classification and clustering techniques in Undergraduate Program of Biomedical Informatics (BMI).


Systems Biology

Introduction to sytems theory. Overview of biological systems. Representation of biological systems. Knowledge and information sources for biological systems. Modeling genetic and metabolic pathways. Dynamics of biological networks.


Medical Signal Processing

Characteristics of medical signals. Basic techniques for analyzing medical signals, including ECG, EEG, EMG, etc. Classification of signals. Extracting features out of the signal for diagnosis and prediction, including QRS detection, Heart rate variability, and seizure detection, among others.


Senior Project II

Group project conducted by students who continue work on what is developed in CSCI 4XX (Senior Project I). Each group should develop an integrated, complete and functional computing system or package for evaluation by a departmental technical review committee. Each team is also required to give a public presentation on their project.

BMD 496

Senior Project I

Group project conducted by students who select project topic according to their subject of interest and the availability of facilities and advisors. Each group carry out necessary research and development work and submit a detailed report. The report is submitted to a departmental committee for evaluation and discussion.

BMD 495

Industrial/Research Training

BMD major senior students are expected to get involved in industrial / research training for period of eight weeks minimum in Undergraduate Program of Computer Science (CS) or Undergraduate Program of Biomedical Informatics (BMI) related training in Egypt or abroad. A detailed report followed by discussion is submitted to a departmental committee for evaluation.

BMD 490

Medical Imaging Informatics

Introduces the characteristics of medical images and basic techniques for analyzing medical images, including ultrasound images, X-ray images, and MRI images. The course also tackles extra challenges of medical imaging, including noise patterns, movement, tissue structure, and elasticity. Applications of medical image processing in computer aided diagnosis. Management of technical images

BMD 404

English I

The goal of the course is to develop college skills of reading, writing and critical thinking, to know how to select a topic, explore and organize ideas, use vocabulary efficiently, use correct grammatical structures and write an essay ranging between three to five paragraphs.