Scientific Computing (Track Core)
Image Processing and Computer Graphics (Track Core)
Data Mining of Massive Datasets
This course provides an introduction to data mining concepts over structured and un-structured data with special emphasis on practical applications of this important research area. Data Mining usually involves the extraction and discovery of useful knowledge from raw data. The discovery process, also known as knowledge discovery, includes feature selection, data cleaning, and coding and entails
Advanced Big Data Analytics
This course acts as an applied course where students can develop on their combined knowledge of BigData technologies (e.g. Hadoop, Spark, etc.) and Data Science (e.g. Statistics, Machine Learning, etc.) and understand how such combination is used to solve real-world applications. In addition to this main goal, the course has the additional goal of familiarizing students with the latest
Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning (Common Core)
Introduction to Big Data
The capability of collecting and storing huge amounts of versatile data necessitate the development and use of new techniques and methodologies for processing and analyzing big data. This course provides a comprehensive covering of a number of technologies that are at the foundation of the Big Data movement. The Hadoop architecture and ecosystem of tools will be of special focus to this course