
Cybercrime Identification and Prevention

In‬ this‬ course,‬ students‬ go‬ deeply‬ into‬ the‬ different‬ digital‬ cyber crime ‬scenes‬ and‬ scenarios; ‬from‬
the‬ criminal‬ and‬ the‬ victim(s)‬ perspectives.‬ The‬ course‬ analyses‬ the‬ vulnerability‬ foundation,‬
traditional‬ causes,‬ system‬ strengths‬ and‬ weaknesses,‬ counter measures,‬ and‬ prevention‬ and‬
protection ‬techniques. ‬Human‬ vulnerabilities,‬ insider‬ threat ‬and ‬attacks,‬ organizational‬ policies‬
and‬ regulations‬ must‬ be‬ thoroughly‬ examined.‬ Students‬ through this‬ course‬ should‬ deal‬ with‬
cyber crime‬ identification,‬ cyber crime ‬investigation,‬ prevention‬ and ‬mitigating‬ against.

Course ID
INS 703
Credit Hours