Conference Paper

A New Generalized Synchronization Scheme to Control Fractional Chaotic Systems with Non-identical Dimensions and Different Orders

Ouannas A.
Grassi G.
Azar A.T.

This paper addresses the problem of generalized synchronization (GS) between fractional order chaotic systems. In this paper, we propose a new control strategy for a complex generalized synchronization (GS) scheme dedicated to non-identical fractional-order chaotic systems characterized by different dimensions. The proposed control parameters are nonlinear in nature. In order to ensure that the proposed scheme converge towards zero, we establish the asymptotic stability of the zero solution to the error system by means of the stability of linear fractional-order systems. In order to assess the validity of the findings, numerical results have been presented for a 3D master system and a 4D slave system. The fractional-order systems employed here are well known in the literature. Matlab simulation results have confirmed the convergence of the error in sufficient time. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.